Want some help earning badges? Scouts are encouraged to email us to schedule a custom program that meets your Scout level and requirements. Below is a list of programs we can offer. The Ney Nature Center also allows for Scout groups to camp on-site.
Contact the Ney Nature Center for more information about cost, camping, and to schedule a program.
Boy Scout Merit Badges Available
Please note that most badges require prep work before your arrival if you would like to complete the badge in one visit.
- Archaeology
- Backpacking
- Bird Study
- Environmental Science
- Forestry
- Geocaching
- Hiking
- Indian Lore
- Insect Study
- Mammal Study
- Nature
- Orienteering
- Plant Science
- Reptile & Amphibian Study
- Snow Sports
- Soil & Water Conservation
- Sustainability
- Wilderness Survival
Cub Scout Programs by Level
Activities may be modified but will still cover the same concepts that are required.
- Backyard Jungle
- Tigers in the Wild
- Sky is the Limit
- Call of the Wild
- Paws on the Path
- Air of the Wolf
- Digging in the Past
- Finding your Way
- Grow Something
- Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
- Webelos Walkabout
- Adventures in Science
- Castaway
- Earth Rocks!
- Into the Wild
- Into the Woods
Girl Scout Badge Programs by Level
We can also teach a few of the Girl Scout Journeys.
- Hiker
- Letter Boxing
- Home Scientist
- Bugs
- Camper
- Animal Habitats
- Geocacher
- Naturalist Flowers
- Archery
- Trailblazing
- Night Owl
- Naturalist Trees
- Outdoor Adventurer
- Voice for Animals
- Locavore
- Naturalist Sky
- Naturalist Water